
 ISKO-France 13th International Conference  

"Social Epistemology in the organization of knowledge” 

Organized jointly by the French Chapter of ISKO and the research unit ELICO 

Conference to be held at: Jean Moulin Lyon3 University

Date: October 19-20, 2023


Lyon has hosted the French chapter of ISKO twice, first in 1999, dealing with the theme of “Indexing in the age of the Internet” then the second time in 2009; at that time, this 7th chapter ("Collective intelligence and organization of knowledge") had addressed this question around the societal aspects of the organization of knowledge in connection with the advent of the so-called "social" web. In the continuity of these chapters, the thirteenth ISKO-France conference in Lyon aims to open up a space for researchers to reflect on the social dimension in the organization of knowledge with regard to the generalization of digital technology within the society, but not exclusively

Guest speakers:


Download the full call for papers in PDF format

We invite the participants of the ISKO-France 2023 conference to make their arrangements in advance to book their hotel because there is a sporting event, in this case the Rugby World Cup, which coincides with the dates of the conference. The Lyon hotel establishments risks being saturated. 



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